Kube Bench

6.1 Image Registry and Image Scanning

6.1.1 Ensure Image Vulnerability Scanning using GCR Container Analysis or a third-party provider (Scored)

Using Command Line:

gcloud services enable containerscanning.googleapis.com

6.1.2 Minimize user access to GCR (Scored)

Using Command Line: To change roles at the GCR bucket level: Firstly, run the following if read permissions are required:

gsutil iam ch [TYPE]:[EMAIL-ADDRESS]:objectViewer

Then remove the excessively privileged role (Storage Admin / Storage Object Admin / Storage Object Creator) using:

gsutil iam ch -d [TYPE]:[EMAIL-ADDRESS]:[ROLE]

where: [TYPE] can be one of the following: o user, if the [EMAIL-ADDRESS] is a Google account o serviceAccount, if [EMAIL-ADDRESS] specifies a Service account [EMAIL-ADDRESS] can be one of the following: o a Google account (for example, someone@example.com) o a Cloud IAM service account To modify roles defined at the project level and subsequently inherited within the GCR bucket, or the Service Account User role, extract the IAM policy file, modify it accordingly and apply it using:

gcloud projects set-iam-policy [PROJECT_ID] [POLICY_FILE]

6.1.3 Minimize cluster access to read-only for GCR (Scored)

Using Command Line: For an account explicitly granted to the bucket. First, add read access to the Kubernetes Service Account

gsutil iam ch [TYPE]:[EMAIL-ADDRESS]:objectViewer

[TYPE] can be one of the following:
        o user, if the [EMAIL-ADDRESS] is a Google account
        o serviceAccount, if [EMAIL-ADDRESS] specifies a Service account
[EMAIL-ADDRESS] can be one of the following:
        o a Google account (for example, someone@example.com)
        o a Cloud IAM service account

Then remove the excessively privileged role (Storage Admin / Storage Object Admin /
Storage Object Creator) using:

  gsutil iam ch -d [TYPE]:[EMAIL-ADDRESS]:[ROLE]

For an account that inherits access to the GCR Bucket through Project level permissions,
modify the Projects IAM policy file accordingly, then upload it using:

  gcloud projects set-iam-policy [PROJECT_ID] [POLICY_FILE]

6.1.4 Minimize Container Registries to only those approved (Not Scored)

Using Command Line: First, update the cluster to enable Binary Authorization:

gcloud container cluster update [CLUSTER_NAME] \

Create a Binary Authorization Policy using the Binary Authorization Policy Reference (https://cloud.google.com/binary-authorization/docs/policy-yaml-reference) for guidance. Import the policy file into Binary Authorization:

gcloud container binauthz policy import [YAML_POLICY]