Kube Bench

6.4 Node Metadata

6.4.1 Ensure legacy Compute Engine instance metadata APIs are Disabled (Scored)

Using Command Line: To update an existing cluster, create a new Node pool with the legacy GCE metadata endpoint disabled:

gcloud container node-pools create [POOL_NAME] \
  --metadata disable-legacy-endpoints=true \
  --cluster [CLUSTER_NAME] \
  --zone [COMPUTE_ZONE]

You will need to migrate workloads from any existing non-conforming Node pools, to the new Node pool, then delete non-conforming Node pools to complete the remediation.

6.4.2 Ensure the GKE Metadata Server is Enabled (Not Scored)

Using Command Line: gcloud beta container clusters update [CLUSTER_NAME]
–identity-namespace=[PROJECT_ID].svc.id.goog Note that existing Node pools are unaffected. New Node pools default to –workload- metadata-from-node=GKE_METADATA_SERVER .

To modify an existing Node pool to enable GKE Metadata Server:

gcloud beta container node-pools update [NODEPOOL_NAME] \
  --cluster=[CLUSTER_NAME] \

You may also need to modify workloads in order for them to use Workload Identity as described within https://cloud.google.com/kubernetes-engine/docs/how-to/workload- identity.