Kube Bench

8 Configuration Files

8.1 Verify the OpenShift default permissions for the kubelet.conf file

Run the below command on each worker node. chmod 644 /etc/origin/node/node.kubeconfig

8.2 Verify the kubeconfig file ownership of root:root

8.3 Verify the kubelet service file permissions of 644

Run the below command on each worker node. chmod 644 $kubeletsvc

8.4 Verify the kubelet service file ownership of root:root

8.5 Verify the OpenShift default permissions for the proxy kubeconfig file

Run the below command on each worker node. chmod 644 /etc/origin/node/node.kubeconfig

8.6 Verify the proxy kubeconfig file ownership of root:root

8.7 Verify the OpenShift default permissions for the certificate authorities file.

Run the below command on each worker node. chmod 644 /etc/origin/node/client-ca.crt

8.8 Verify the client certificate authorities file ownership of root:root