Ensure that Cloud Storage buckets are using lifecycle management rules to transition objects between storage classes.
Lifecycle management rules allow you to delete buckets at the end of their lifecycle and help optimize your data for storage costs.
Follow the appropriate remediation steps below to resolve the issue.
Log into the Google Cloud Platform Console.
Scroll down the left navigation panel and choose “Cloud Storage” to select the “Buckets” option.
On the “Buckets” page, select the bucket which needs to be configured with lifycyvle rules by clicking on the “name”.
Select the “LIFECYCLE” tab to access the lifecycle configuration defined for selected bucket.
Click on “ADD A RULE” to add the rule for lifecycle configuration.
Select the desire action and create the rule. Click on “CREATE” button to add the rule.
Repeat steps number 4-6 to configure encryption of lifecycle rules to all other buckets in the project.