Siemens WinCC before 7.2, as used in SIMATIC PCS7 before 8.0 SP1 and other products, does not properly represent WebNavigator credentials in a database, which makes it easier for remote authenticated users to obtain sensitive information via a SQL query.
Name | Vendor | Start Version | End Version |
Simatic_pcs7 | Siemens | * | 8.0 (including) |
Wincc | Siemens | * | 7.0 (including) |
Wincc | Siemens | 7.0 (including) | 7.0 (including) |
Wincc | Siemens | 7.0-sp1 (including) | 7.0-sp1 (including) |
Wincc | Siemens | 7.0-sp2 (including) | 7.0-sp2 (including) |