Some Huawei smart phones with software Berlin-L21C10B130,Berlin-L21C185B133,Berlin-L21HNC10B131,Berlin-L21HNC185B140,Berlin-L21HNC432B151,Berlin-L22C636B160,Berlin-L22HNC636B130,Berlin-L22HNC675B150CUSTC675D001,Berlin-L23C605B131,Berlin-L24HNC567B110,FRD-L02C432B120,FRD-L02C635B130,FRD-L02C675B170CUSTC675D001,FRD-L04C567B162,FRD-L04C605B131,FRD-L09C10B130,FRD-L09C185B130,FRD-L09C432B131,FRD-L09C636B130,FRD-L14C567B162,FRD-L19C10B130,FRD-L19C432B131,FRD-L19C636B130 have a factory Reset Protection (FRP) bypass security vulnerability. When re-configuring the mobile phone using the factory reset protection (FRP) function, an attacker can login the configuration flow by Swype Keyboard and can perform some operations to update the Google account. As a result, the FRP function is bypassed.
When an actor claims to have a given identity, the product does not prove or insufficiently proves that the claim is correct.
Name | Vendor | Start Version | End Version |
Berlin-l21_firmware | Huawei | berlin-l21c10b130 (including) | berlin-l21c10b130 (including) |
Berlin-l21_firmware | Huawei | berlin-l21c185b133 (including) | berlin-l21c185b133 (including) |