CVE Vulnerabilities


Improper Locking

Published: Apr 29, 2019 | Modified: Feb 15, 2024
CVSS 3.x
CVSS 2.x

The coredump implementation in the Linux kernel before 5.0.10 does not use locking or other mechanisms to prevent vma layout or vma flags changes while it runs, which allows local users to obtain sensitive information, cause a denial of service, or possibly have unspecified other impact by triggering a race condition with mmget_not_zero or get_task_mm calls. This is related to fs/userfaultfd.c, mm/mmap.c, fs/proc/task_mmu.c, and drivers/infiniband/core/uverbs_main.c.


The product does not properly acquire or release a lock on a resource, leading to unexpected resource state changes and behaviors.

Affected Software

Name Vendor Start Version End Version
Linux_kernel Linux 2.16.12 (including) 3.16.66 (excluding)
Linux_kernel Linux 3.17 (including) 4.4.183 (excluding)
Linux_kernel Linux 4.5 (including) 4.9.188 (excluding)
Linux_kernel Linux 4.10 (including) 4.14.114 (excluding)
Linux_kernel Linux 4.15 (including) 4.19.37 (excluding)
Linux_kernel Linux 4.20 (including) 5.0.10 (excluding)
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 RedHat kernel-rt-0:3.10.0-1062.rt56.1022.el7 *
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 RedHat kernel-0:3.10.0-1062.el7 *
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.4 Advanced Update Support RedHat kernel-0:3.10.0-693.62.1.el7 *
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.4 Telco Extended Update Support RedHat kernel-0:3.10.0-693.62.1.el7 *
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.4 Update Services for SAP Solutions RedHat kernel-0:3.10.0-693.62.1.el7 *
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.5 Extended Update Support RedHat kernel-0:3.10.0-862.48.1.el7 *
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.6 Extended Update Support RedHat kernel-0:3.10.0-957.43.1.el7 *
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 RedHat kernel-rt-0:4.18.0-147.rt24.93.el8 *
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 RedHat kernel-0:4.18.0-147.el8 *
Red Hat Enterprise MRG 2 RedHat kernel-rt-1:3.10.0-693.62.1.rt56.659.el6rt *
Red Hat Virtualization 4.2 for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.6 EUS RedHat kernel-0:3.10.0-957.43.1.el7 *
Linux Ubuntu bionic *
Linux Ubuntu cosmic *
Linux Ubuntu disco *
Linux Ubuntu esm-infra-legacy/trusty *
Linux Ubuntu precise/esm *
Linux Ubuntu trusty/esm *
Linux Ubuntu upstream *
Linux Ubuntu xenial *
Linux-aws Ubuntu bionic *
Linux-aws Ubuntu cosmic *
Linux-aws Ubuntu disco *
Linux-aws Ubuntu esm-infra-legacy/trusty *
Linux-aws Ubuntu trusty/esm *
Linux-aws Ubuntu upstream *
Linux-aws Ubuntu xenial *
Linux-aws-5.0 Ubuntu upstream *
Linux-aws-hwe Ubuntu upstream *
Linux-aws-hwe Ubuntu xenial *
Linux-azure Ubuntu bionic *
Linux-azure Ubuntu cosmic *
Linux-azure Ubuntu disco *
Linux-azure Ubuntu esm-infra-legacy/trusty *
Linux-azure Ubuntu trusty/esm *
Linux-azure Ubuntu upstream *
Linux-azure Ubuntu xenial *
Linux-azure-5.3 Ubuntu upstream *
Linux-azure-edge Ubuntu bionic *
Linux-azure-edge Ubuntu upstream *
Linux-azure-edge Ubuntu xenial *
Linux-euclid Ubuntu esm-apps/xenial *
Linux-euclid Ubuntu upstream *
Linux-euclid Ubuntu xenial *
Linux-flo Ubuntu esm-apps/xenial *
Linux-flo Ubuntu upstream *
Linux-flo Ubuntu xenial *
Linux-gcp Ubuntu bionic *
Linux-gcp Ubuntu cosmic *
Linux-gcp Ubuntu disco *
Linux-gcp Ubuntu upstream *
Linux-gcp Ubuntu xenial *
Linux-gcp-5.3 Ubuntu upstream *
Linux-gcp-edge Ubuntu bionic *
Linux-gcp-edge Ubuntu upstream *
Linux-gke Ubuntu upstream *
Linux-gke Ubuntu xenial *
Linux-gke-4.15 Ubuntu bionic *
Linux-gke-4.15 Ubuntu upstream *
Linux-gke-5.0 Ubuntu upstream *
Linux-goldfish Ubuntu esm-apps/xenial *
Linux-goldfish Ubuntu upstream *
Linux-goldfish Ubuntu xenial *
Linux-grouper Ubuntu upstream *
Linux-hwe Ubuntu bionic *
Linux-hwe Ubuntu upstream *
Linux-hwe Ubuntu xenial *
Linux-hwe-edge Ubuntu bionic *
Linux-hwe-edge Ubuntu esm-infra/bionic *
Linux-hwe-edge Ubuntu upstream *
Linux-hwe-edge Ubuntu xenial *
Linux-kvm Ubuntu bionic *
Linux-kvm Ubuntu cosmic *
Linux-kvm Ubuntu disco *
Linux-kvm Ubuntu upstream *
Linux-kvm Ubuntu xenial *
Linux-lts-trusty Ubuntu precise/esm *
Linux-lts-trusty Ubuntu upstream *
Linux-lts-utopic Ubuntu upstream *
Linux-lts-vivid Ubuntu upstream *
Linux-lts-wily Ubuntu upstream *
Linux-lts-xenial Ubuntu esm-infra-legacy/trusty *
Linux-lts-xenial Ubuntu trusty/esm *
Linux-lts-xenial Ubuntu upstream *
Linux-maguro Ubuntu upstream *
Linux-mako Ubuntu esm-apps/xenial *
Linux-mako Ubuntu upstream *
Linux-mako Ubuntu xenial *
Linux-manta Ubuntu upstream *
Linux-oem Ubuntu bionic *
Linux-oem Ubuntu cosmic *
Linux-oem Ubuntu disco *
Linux-oem Ubuntu eoan *
Linux-oem Ubuntu upstream *
Linux-oem Ubuntu xenial *
Linux-oem-5.4 Ubuntu upstream *
Linux-oem-osp1 Ubuntu bionic *
Linux-oem-osp1 Ubuntu disco *
Linux-oem-osp1 Ubuntu eoan *
Linux-oem-osp1 Ubuntu upstream *
Linux-oracle Ubuntu bionic *
Linux-oracle Ubuntu cosmic *
Linux-oracle Ubuntu disco *
Linux-oracle Ubuntu upstream *
Linux-oracle Ubuntu xenial *
Linux-oracle-5.0 Ubuntu upstream *
Linux-raspi2 Ubuntu bionic *
Linux-raspi2 Ubuntu cosmic *
Linux-raspi2 Ubuntu disco *
Linux-raspi2 Ubuntu upstream *
Linux-raspi2 Ubuntu xenial *
Linux-raspi2-5.3 Ubuntu upstream *
Linux-snapdragon Ubuntu bionic *
Linux-snapdragon Ubuntu disco *
Linux-snapdragon Ubuntu upstream *
Linux-snapdragon Ubuntu xenial *

Extended Description

Locking is a type of synchronization behavior that ensures that multiple independently-operating processes or threads do not interfere with each other when accessing the same resource. All processes/threads are expected to follow the same steps for locking. If these steps are not followed precisely - or if no locking is done at all - then another process/thread could modify the shared resource in a way that is not visible or predictable to the original process. This can lead to data or memory corruption, denial of service, etc.

Potential Mitigations
