CVE Vulnerabilities


Use of Insufficiently Random Values

Published: Nov 17, 2020 | Modified: May 18, 2021
CVSS 3.x
CVSS 2.x

A flaw in ICMP packets in the Linux kernel may allow an attacker to quickly scan open UDP ports. This flaw allows an off-path remote attacker to effectively bypass source port UDP randomization. Software that relies on UDP source port randomization are indirectly affected as well on the Linux Based Products (RUGGEDCOM RM1224: All versions between v5.0 and v6.4, SCALANCE M-800: All versions between v5.0 and v6.4, SCALANCE S615: All versions between v5.0 and v6.4, SCALANCE SC-600: All versions prior to v2.1.3, SCALANCE W1750D: v8.3.0.1, v8.6.0, and v8.7.0, SIMATIC Cloud Connect 7: All versions, SIMATIC MV500 Family: All versions, SIMATIC NET CP 1243-1 (incl. SIPLUS variants): Versions 3.1.39 and later, SIMATIC NET CP 1243-7 LTE EU: Version


The product uses insufficiently random numbers or values in a security context that depends on unpredictable numbers.

Affected Software

Name Vendor Start Version End Version
Linux_kernel Linux * 5.10.0 (excluding)
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 RedHat kernel-rt-0:3.10.0-1160.21.1.rt56.1158.el7 *
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 RedHat kernel-0:3.10.0-1160.21.1.el7 *
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.4 Advanced Update Support RedHat kernel-0:3.10.0-693.87.1.el7 *
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.4 Telco Extended Update Support RedHat kernel-0:3.10.0-693.87.1.el7 *
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.4 Update Services for SAP Solutions RedHat kernel-0:3.10.0-693.87.1.el7 *
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.6 Advanced Update Support RedHat kernel-0:3.10.0-957.76.1.el7 *
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.6 Telco Extended Update Support RedHat kernel-0:3.10.0-957.76.1.el7 *
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.6 Update Services for SAP Solutions RedHat kernel-0:3.10.0-957.76.1.el7 *
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.7 Extended Update Support RedHat kernel-0:3.10.0-1062.49.1.el7 *
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 RedHat kernel-rt-0:4.18.0-240.15.1.rt7.69.el8_3 *
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 RedHat kernel-0:4.18.0-240.15.1.el8_3 *
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.1 Extended Update Support RedHat kernel-0:4.18.0-147.43.1.el8_1 *
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.2 Extended Update Support RedHat kernel-rt-0:4.18.0-193.46.1.rt13.96.el8_2 *
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.2 Extended Update Support RedHat kernel-0:4.18.0-193.46.1.el8_2 *
Linux Ubuntu bionic *
Linux Ubuntu focal *
Linux Ubuntu groovy *
Linux Ubuntu precise/esm *
Linux Ubuntu upstream *
Linux Ubuntu xenial *
Linux-allwinner Ubuntu upstream *
Linux-allwinner-5.19 Ubuntu upstream *
Linux-aws Ubuntu bionic *
Linux-aws Ubuntu focal *
Linux-aws Ubuntu groovy *
Linux-aws Ubuntu trusty *
Linux-aws Ubuntu trusty/esm *
Linux-aws Ubuntu upstream *
Linux-aws Ubuntu xenial *
Linux-aws-5.0 Ubuntu bionic *
Linux-aws-5.0 Ubuntu esm-infra/bionic *
Linux-aws-5.0 Ubuntu upstream *
Linux-aws-5.11 Ubuntu upstream *
Linux-aws-5.13 Ubuntu upstream *
Linux-aws-5.15 Ubuntu upstream *
Linux-aws-5.19 Ubuntu upstream *
Linux-aws-5.3 Ubuntu bionic *
Linux-aws-5.3 Ubuntu esm-infra/bionic *
Linux-aws-5.3 Ubuntu upstream *
Linux-aws-5.4 Ubuntu bionic *
Linux-aws-5.4 Ubuntu upstream *
Linux-aws-5.8 Ubuntu upstream *
Linux-aws-6.2 Ubuntu upstream *
Linux-aws-6.5 Ubuntu upstream *
Linux-aws-6.8 Ubuntu upstream *
Linux-aws-fips Ubuntu fips-updates/bionic *
Linux-aws-fips Ubuntu fips-updates/focal *
Linux-aws-fips Ubuntu fips/bionic *
Linux-aws-fips Ubuntu fips/focal *
Linux-aws-fips Ubuntu trusty *
Linux-aws-fips Ubuntu upstream *
Linux-aws-fips Ubuntu xenial *
Linux-aws-hwe Ubuntu upstream *
Linux-aws-hwe Ubuntu xenial *
Linux-azure Ubuntu bionic *
Linux-azure Ubuntu esm-infra/bionic *
Linux-azure Ubuntu focal *
Linux-azure Ubuntu groovy *
Linux-azure Ubuntu trusty *
Linux-azure Ubuntu trusty/esm *
Linux-azure Ubuntu upstream *
Linux-azure Ubuntu xenial *
Linux-azure-4.15 Ubuntu bionic *
Linux-azure-4.15 Ubuntu upstream *
Linux-azure-5.11 Ubuntu upstream *
Linux-azure-5.13 Ubuntu upstream *
Linux-azure-5.15 Ubuntu upstream *
Linux-azure-5.19 Ubuntu upstream *
Linux-azure-5.3 Ubuntu bionic *
Linux-azure-5.3 Ubuntu esm-infra/bionic *
Linux-azure-5.3 Ubuntu upstream *
Linux-azure-5.4 Ubuntu bionic *
Linux-azure-5.4 Ubuntu upstream *
Linux-azure-5.8 Ubuntu upstream *
Linux-azure-6.2 Ubuntu upstream *
Linux-azure-6.5 Ubuntu upstream *
Linux-azure-6.8 Ubuntu upstream *
Linux-azure-edge Ubuntu bionic *
Linux-azure-edge Ubuntu esm-infra/bionic *
Linux-azure-edge Ubuntu upstream *
Linux-azure-fde Ubuntu focal *
Linux-azure-fde Ubuntu upstream *
Linux-azure-fde-5.15 Ubuntu upstream *
Linux-azure-fde-5.19 Ubuntu upstream *
Linux-azure-fde-6.2 Ubuntu upstream *
Linux-azure-fips Ubuntu fips-updates/bionic *
Linux-azure-fips Ubuntu fips-updates/focal *
Linux-azure-fips Ubuntu fips/bionic *
Linux-azure-fips Ubuntu fips/focal *
Linux-azure-fips Ubuntu trusty *
Linux-azure-fips Ubuntu upstream *
Linux-azure-fips Ubuntu xenial *
Linux-bluefield Ubuntu upstream *
Linux-dell300x Ubuntu bionic *
Linux-dell300x Ubuntu upstream *
Linux-fips Ubuntu fips-updates/bionic *
Linux-fips Ubuntu fips-updates/xenial *
Linux-fips Ubuntu fips/bionic *
Linux-fips Ubuntu fips/focal *
Linux-fips Ubuntu fips/xenial *
Linux-fips Ubuntu upstream *
Linux-gcp Ubuntu bionic *
Linux-gcp Ubuntu esm-infra/bionic *
Linux-gcp Ubuntu focal *
Linux-gcp Ubuntu groovy *
Linux-gcp Ubuntu upstream *
Linux-gcp Ubuntu xenial *
Linux-gcp-4.15 Ubuntu bionic *
Linux-gcp-4.15 Ubuntu upstream *
Linux-gcp-5.11 Ubuntu upstream *
Linux-gcp-5.13 Ubuntu upstream *
Linux-gcp-5.15 Ubuntu upstream *
Linux-gcp-5.19 Ubuntu upstream *
Linux-gcp-5.3 Ubuntu bionic *
Linux-gcp-5.3 Ubuntu esm-infra/bionic *
Linux-gcp-5.3 Ubuntu upstream *
Linux-gcp-5.4 Ubuntu bionic *
Linux-gcp-5.4 Ubuntu upstream *
Linux-gcp-5.8 Ubuntu upstream *
Linux-gcp-6.2 Ubuntu upstream *
Linux-gcp-6.5 Ubuntu upstream *
Linux-gcp-6.8 Ubuntu upstream *
Linux-gcp-edge Ubuntu bionic *
Linux-gcp-edge Ubuntu esm-infra/bionic *
Linux-gcp-edge Ubuntu upstream *
Linux-gcp-fips Ubuntu fips-updates/focal *
Linux-gcp-fips Ubuntu fips/bionic *
Linux-gcp-fips Ubuntu fips/focal *
Linux-gcp-fips Ubuntu trusty *
Linux-gcp-fips Ubuntu upstream *
Linux-gcp-fips Ubuntu xenial *
Linux-gke Ubuntu upstream *
Linux-gke Ubuntu xenial *
Linux-gke-4.15 Ubuntu bionic *
Linux-gke-4.15 Ubuntu upstream *
Linux-gke-5.0 Ubuntu bionic *
Linux-gke-5.0 Ubuntu upstream *
Linux-gke-5.15 Ubuntu upstream *
Linux-gke-5.3 Ubuntu bionic *
Linux-gke-5.3 Ubuntu upstream *
Linux-gke-5.4 Ubuntu bionic *
Linux-gke-5.4 Ubuntu upstream *
Linux-gkeop Ubuntu upstream *
Linux-gkeop-5.15 Ubuntu upstream *
Linux-gkeop-5.4 Ubuntu bionic *
Linux-gkeop-5.4 Ubuntu upstream *
Linux-hwe Ubuntu bionic *
Linux-hwe Ubuntu esm-infra/bionic *
Linux-hwe Ubuntu upstream *
Linux-hwe Ubuntu xenial *
Linux-hwe-5.11 Ubuntu upstream *
Linux-hwe-5.13 Ubuntu upstream *
Linux-hwe-5.15 Ubuntu upstream *
Linux-hwe-5.19 Ubuntu upstream *
Linux-hwe-5.4 Ubuntu bionic *
Linux-hwe-5.4 Ubuntu upstream *
Linux-hwe-5.8 Ubuntu focal *
Linux-hwe-5.8 Ubuntu upstream *
Linux-hwe-6.2 Ubuntu upstream *
Linux-hwe-6.5 Ubuntu upstream *
Linux-hwe-6.8 Ubuntu upstream *
Linux-hwe-edge Ubuntu bionic *
Linux-hwe-edge Ubuntu esm-infra/bionic *
Linux-hwe-edge Ubuntu esm-infra/xenial *
Linux-hwe-edge Ubuntu upstream *
Linux-hwe-edge Ubuntu xenial *
Linux-ibm Ubuntu upstream *
Linux-ibm-5.15 Ubuntu upstream *
Linux-ibm-5.4 Ubuntu upstream *
Linux-intel Ubuntu upstream *
Linux-intel-5.13 Ubuntu upstream *
Linux-intel-iot-realtime Ubuntu upstream *
Linux-intel-iotg Ubuntu upstream *
Linux-intel-iotg-5.15 Ubuntu upstream *
Linux-iot Ubuntu upstream *
Linux-kvm Ubuntu bionic *
Linux-kvm Ubuntu focal *
Linux-kvm Ubuntu groovy *
Linux-kvm Ubuntu upstream *
Linux-kvm Ubuntu xenial *
Linux-laptop Ubuntu upstream *
Linux-lowlatency Ubuntu upstream *
Linux-lowlatency-hwe-5.15 Ubuntu upstream *
Linux-lowlatency-hwe-5.19 Ubuntu upstream *
Linux-lowlatency-hwe-6.2 Ubuntu upstream *
Linux-lowlatency-hwe-6.5 Ubuntu upstream *
Linux-lowlatency-hwe-6.8 Ubuntu upstream *
Linux-lts-trusty Ubuntu precise/esm *
Linux-lts-trusty Ubuntu upstream *
Linux-lts-xenial Ubuntu trusty *
Linux-lts-xenial Ubuntu trusty/esm *
Linux-lts-xenial Ubuntu upstream *
Linux-nvidia Ubuntu upstream *
Linux-nvidia-6.2 Ubuntu upstream *
Linux-nvidia-6.5 Ubuntu upstream *
Linux-nvidia-6.8 Ubuntu upstream *
Linux-nvidia-lowlatency Ubuntu upstream *
Linux-oem Ubuntu bionic *
Linux-oem Ubuntu esm-infra/bionic *
Linux-oem Ubuntu upstream *
Linux-oem Ubuntu xenial *
Linux-oem-5.10 Ubuntu upstream *
Linux-oem-5.13 Ubuntu upstream *
Linux-oem-5.14 Ubuntu upstream *
Linux-oem-5.17 Ubuntu upstream *
Linux-oem-5.6 Ubuntu focal *
Linux-oem-5.6 Ubuntu upstream *
Linux-oem-6.0 Ubuntu upstream *
Linux-oem-6.1 Ubuntu upstream *
Linux-oem-6.5 Ubuntu upstream *
Linux-oem-6.8 Ubuntu upstream *
Linux-oem-osp1 Ubuntu bionic *
Linux-oem-osp1 Ubuntu upstream *
Linux-oracle Ubuntu bionic *
Linux-oracle Ubuntu focal *
Linux-oracle Ubuntu groovy *
Linux-oracle Ubuntu upstream *
Linux-oracle Ubuntu xenial *
Linux-oracle-5.0 Ubuntu bionic *
Linux-oracle-5.0 Ubuntu esm-infra/bionic *
Linux-oracle-5.0 Ubuntu upstream *
Linux-oracle-5.11 Ubuntu upstream *
Linux-oracle-5.13 Ubuntu upstream *
Linux-oracle-5.15 Ubuntu upstream *
Linux-oracle-5.3 Ubuntu bionic *
Linux-oracle-5.3 Ubuntu esm-infra/bionic *
Linux-oracle-5.3 Ubuntu upstream *
Linux-oracle-5.4 Ubuntu bionic *
Linux-oracle-5.4 Ubuntu upstream *
Linux-oracle-5.8 Ubuntu upstream *
Linux-oracle-6.5 Ubuntu upstream *
Linux-oracle-6.8 Ubuntu upstream *
Linux-raspi Ubuntu focal *
Linux-raspi Ubuntu groovy *
Linux-raspi Ubuntu upstream *
Linux-raspi-5.4 Ubuntu bionic *
Linux-raspi-5.4 Ubuntu upstream *
Linux-raspi-realtime Ubuntu upstream *
Linux-raspi2 Ubuntu bionic *
Linux-raspi2 Ubuntu focal *
Linux-raspi2 Ubuntu upstream *
Linux-raspi2 Ubuntu xenial *
Linux-raspi2-5.3 Ubuntu bionic *
Linux-raspi2-5.3 Ubuntu upstream *
Linux-realtime Ubuntu jammy *
Linux-realtime Ubuntu upstream *
Linux-riscv Ubuntu focal *
Linux-riscv Ubuntu groovy *
Linux-riscv Ubuntu upstream *
Linux-riscv-5.11 Ubuntu upstream *
Linux-riscv-5.15 Ubuntu upstream *
Linux-riscv-5.19 Ubuntu upstream *
Linux-riscv-5.8 Ubuntu upstream *
Linux-riscv-6.5 Ubuntu upstream *
Linux-riscv-6.8 Ubuntu upstream *
Linux-snapdragon Ubuntu bionic *
Linux-snapdragon Ubuntu upstream *
Linux-snapdragon Ubuntu xenial *
Linux-starfive Ubuntu upstream *
Linux-starfive-5.19 Ubuntu upstream *
Linux-starfive-6.2 Ubuntu upstream *
Linux-starfive-6.5 Ubuntu upstream *
Linux-xilinx-zynqmp Ubuntu upstream *

Potential Mitigations

  • Use a well-vetted algorithm that is currently considered to be strong by experts in the field, and select well-tested implementations with adequate length seeds.
  • In general, if a pseudo-random number generator is not advertised as being cryptographically secure, then it is probably a statistical PRNG and should not be used in security-sensitive contexts.
  • Pseudo-random number generators can produce predictable numbers if the generator is known and the seed can be guessed. A 256-bit seed is a good starting point for producing a “random enough” number.
