Nextcloud Android is the Android client for the Nextcloud open source home cloud system. Due to a timeout issue the Android client may not properly clean all sensitive data on account removal. This could include sensitive key material such as the End-to-End encryption keys. It is recommended that the Nextcloud Android App is upgraded to 3.16.1
The product stores, transfers, or shares a resource that contains sensitive information, but it does not properly remove that information before the product makes the resource available to unauthorized actors.
Name | Vendor | Start Version | End Version |
Nextcloud | Nextcloud | * | 3.16.1 (excluding) |
Resources that may contain sensitive data include documents, packets, messages, databases, etc. While this data may be useful to an individual user or small set of users who share the resource, it may need to be removed before the resource can be shared outside of the trusted group. The process of removal is sometimes called cleansing or scrubbing. For example, a product for editing documents might not remove sensitive data such as reviewer comments or the local pathname where the document is stored. Or, a proxy might not remove an internal IP address from headers before making an outgoing request to an Internet site.