Vulnerable versions of the JupiterX Core (<= 2.0.6) plugin register an AJAX action jupiterx_conditional_manager which can be used to call any function in the includes/condition/class-condition-manager.php file by sending the desired function to call in the sub_action parameter. This can be used to view site configuration and logged-in users, modify post conditions, or perform a denial of service attack.
The product does not restrict or incorrectly restricts access to a resource from an unauthorized actor.
Name | Vendor | Start Version | End Version |
Jupiterx | Artbees | * | 2.0.6 (including) |
Access control involves the use of several protection mechanisms such as:
When any mechanism is not applied or otherwise fails, attackers can compromise the security of the product by gaining privileges, reading sensitive information, executing commands, evading detection, etc. There are two distinct behaviors that can introduce access control weaknesses: