CVE Vulnerabilities


Use After Free

Published: Feb 18, 2022 | Modified: Nov 07, 2023
CVSS 3.x
CVSS 2.x

MariaDB CONNECT Storage Engine Use-After-Free Privilege Escalation Vulnerability. This vulnerability allows local attackers to escalate privileges on affected installations of MariaDB. Authentication is required to exploit this vulnerability. The specific flaw exists within the processing of SQL queries. The issue results from the lack of validating the existence of an object prior to performing operations on the object. An attacker can leverage this vulnerability to escalate privileges and execute arbitrary code in the context of the service account. Was ZDI-CAN-16207.


Referencing memory after it has been freed can cause a program to crash, use unexpected values, or execute code.

Affected Software

Name Vendor Start Version End Version
Mariadb Mariadb 10.2.0 (including) 10.2.42 (excluding)
Mariadb Mariadb 10.3.0 (including) 10.3.33 (excluding)
Mariadb Mariadb 10.4.0 (including) 10.4.23 (excluding)
Mariadb Mariadb 10.5.0 (including) 10.5.14 (excluding)
Mariadb Mariadb 10.6.0 (including) 10.6.6 (excluding)
Mariadb Mariadb 10.7.0 (including) 10.7.2 (excluding)
Mariadb Mariadb 10.8.0 (including) 10.8.0 (including)
Mariadb-10.0 Ubuntu trusty *
Mariadb-10.0 Ubuntu xenial *
Mariadb-10.1 Ubuntu bionic *
Mariadb-10.1 Ubuntu trusty *
Mariadb-10.1 Ubuntu xenial *
Mariadb-10.3 Ubuntu focal *
Mariadb-10.3 Ubuntu trusty *
Mariadb-10.3 Ubuntu xenial *
Mariadb-10.5 Ubuntu impish *
Mariadb-10.5 Ubuntu trusty *
Mariadb-10.5 Ubuntu xenial *
Mariadb-10.6 Ubuntu kinetic *
Mariadb-10.6 Ubuntu lunar *
Mariadb-10.6 Ubuntu trusty *
Mariadb-10.6 Ubuntu xenial *
Mariadb-5.5 Ubuntu trusty *
Mariadb-5.5 Ubuntu xenial *
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 RedHat mariadb:10.5-8060020220614163302.ad008a3a *
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 RedHat mariadb:10.3-8060020220715055054.ad008a3a *
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9 RedHat mariadb-3:10.5.16-2.el9_0 *
Red Hat Software Collections for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 RedHat rh-mariadb105-mariadb-3:10.5.16-2.el7 *
Red Hat Software Collections for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 RedHat rh-mariadb103-mariadb-3:10.3.35-1.el7 *

Extended Description

The use of previously-freed memory can have any number of adverse consequences, ranging from the corruption of valid data to the execution of arbitrary code, depending on the instantiation and timing of the flaw. The simplest way data corruption may occur involves the system’s reuse of the freed memory. Use-after-free errors have two common and sometimes overlapping causes:

In this scenario, the memory in question is allocated to another pointer validly at some point after it has been freed. The original pointer to the freed memory is used again and points to somewhere within the new allocation. As the data is changed, it corrupts the validly used memory; this induces undefined behavior in the process. If the newly allocated data happens to hold a class, in C++ for example, various function pointers may be scattered within the heap data. If one of these function pointers is overwritten with an address to valid shellcode, execution of arbitrary code can be achieved.

Potential Mitigations
