Cloudflare WARP client for Windows (up to v2023.3.381.0) allowed a malicious actor to remotely access the warp-svc.exe binary due to an insufficient access control policy on an IPC Named Pipe. This would have enabled an attacker to trigger WARP connect and disconnect commands, as well as obtaining network diagnostics and application configuration from the targets device. It is important to note that in order to exploit this, a set of requirements would need to be met, such as the targets device mustve been reachable on port 445, allowed authentication with NULL sessions or otherwise having knowledge of the targets credentials.
The product does not restrict or incorrectly restricts access to a resource from an unauthorized actor.
Name | Vendor | Start Version | End Version |
Warp | Cloudflare | * | 2023.3.381.0 (including) |
Access control involves the use of several protection mechanisms such as:
When any mechanism is not applied or otherwise fails, attackers can compromise the security of the product by gaining privileges, reading sensitive information, executing commands, evading detection, etc. There are two distinct behaviors that can introduce access control weaknesses: