The source-controller is a Kubernetes operator, specialised in artifacts acquisition from external sources such as Git, OCI, Helm repositories and S3-compatible buckets. The source-controller implements the API and is a core component of the GitOps toolkit. Prior to version 1.2.5, when source-controller was configured to use an Azure SAS token when connecting to Azure Blob Storage, the token was logged along with the Azure URL when the controller encountered a connection error. An attacker with access to the source-controller logs could use the token to gain access to the Azure Blob Storage until the token expires. This vulnerability was fixed in source-controller v1.2.5. There is no workaround for this vulnerability except for using a different auth mechanism such as Azure Workload Identity.
Information written to log files can be of a sensitive nature and give valuable guidance to an attacker or expose sensitive user information.
While logging all information may be helpful during development stages, it is important that logging levels be set appropriately before a product ships so that sensitive user data and system information are not accidentally exposed to potential attackers. Different log files may be produced and stored for: