
EFS Has Tags

Ensure that AWS EFS file systems have tags associated.

Tags help you to group resources together that are related to or associated with each other. It is a best practice to tag cloud resources to better organize and gain visibility into their usage.

Follow the appropriate remediation steps below to resolve the issue.

  1. Log into the AWS Management Console.

  2. Select the “Services” option and search for EFS.Step

  3. Select the EFS file system for which you want to add tags. Step

  4. Select the “Tags” tab from navigation panel on the bottom of the page.Step

  5. Click on “Manage Tag” button.Step

  6. On the popup, click on “Add Tag”. Then enter the key and value for your tag and, click “Save”.Step

  7. Repeat step number 3 - 6 to ensure tags on remaining EFS file systems.